
Showing posts from September, 2019

Jogo App 日初禾作 健康副食米菓專賣 APK Tablet

App ID: Title: 日初禾作 健康副食米菓專賣 File Size: 9.8M Version code: 13 Download: 100 Developer name: 91APP, Inc. (29) PTitle: 日初禾作 健康副食米菓專賣 2.42.11 APK APK Size: 10277101 1.全米菓商品皆用天然糙米製成,無任何化工添加與調味 2.通過ISO22000與HACCP雙認證 3.專屬好康優惠不怕錯過 4.訂單追蹤,點數查看好方便 5.直覺優化的操作介面,購物好輕鬆 6.輕輕一滑就可瀏覽眾多精選商品 7.商品出貨、可取貨時發送提醒 8.優惠促銷活動即時推播 9.安全第一:最高等級加密的信用卡付款功能 10.多元付款:超商取貨付款、信用卡線上刷卡 11.使用『臉書帳號』或『手機號碼』即可加入會員 PPrice: Free

Game 相信音樂線上購物 APK for Kindle

和相信音樂一起感受音樂帶來的悸動吧!!! 即時獲得流行音樂與獨立音樂資訊,自己愛的歌手自己掌握~ 透過【相信音樂App】樂迷們可隨時追蹤藝人動態並參加限定活動 人生無限,時間有限! 請盡速下載相信音樂官方App ! 相信音樂感受音樂帶來的悸動 走在街頭巧遇的曲子,演唱會後的感動,歡迎來這裡延續 實際感受歌手帶給你的美好瞬間,相信音樂將陪伴你每個時刻.. 功能特色 1. 歌手.專輯.周邊.影音即時分享 2. 不定時推出回饋粉絲活動 3. 使用Facebook帳號或手機號碼就可加入會員 4. 手機付款採SSL128bits最高安全等級加密 【相信音樂】相信:音樂才是一切的根本。所以,我們非常重視「有原創性的創作歌手」與「深具歌唱實力的歌手」的雙線發展。 相信音樂不只做唱片,也代理所有旗下歌手的經紀活動,讓音樂產品與藝人發展能夠同步而更具有全面性,同時也使得App內容更加豐富。 Operating System: 5.0 Title: 相信音樂線上購物 APK Size: 10347662 Download: 5.000 Developer name: 91APP, Inc. (25) App ID: Category: SHOPPING Version code: 47 Update Date: 2019-09-20 PTitle: 相信音樂線上購物 2.42.11 APK APK Check: 2019-09-25 03:44:39

巴西集品:時尚人字拖鞋專賣店 APK for UAE

Update Date: 2019-09-20 PPrice: Free PTitle: 巴西集品:時尚人字拖鞋專賣店 2.42.11 APK Developer name: 91APP, Inc. (20) Title: 巴西集品:時尚人字拖鞋專賣店 File Size: 9.8M Category: SHOPPING 巴西集品時尚人字拖/夾腳拖鞋專賣店官方行動APP,網路購物24小時不打烊,讓您隨時取得最新商品與優惠資訊!在夏天海灘渡假、居家穿著都可展現隨性自在的時尚穿搭! 商店特色: ※不定時APP獨家特賣優惠活動推播,好康不錯過 ※簡易購物操作,輕易上手 ※熱銷品推薦及補貨通知 ※完整購物機制,手機/平板切換使用無障礙 ※加入會員享有巴西集品會員專屬優惠 Operating System: 5.0 Version code: 76 APK Size: 10279758

[CHECKED] Install Wordabula Tablet

Category: GAME_WORD Title: Wordabula Tablet Play Wordabula, one of the most popular word-based game in the world. It is specifically designed for players seeking to improve their word-building skills and to challenge themselves in fair and quick turn around fashion. If you dislike waiting around for your opponent to make the move and want a game that is far less conducive to cheating, Wordabula is the game for you!!! Addictive Features: - Simple and familiar game play you love - Play against the computer in offline mode - Play with a friend next to you in offline mode (i.e. pass & play) - Multi-Lingual (currently in English and Turkish with more languages to come) - Flexible preference settings (i.e. language, move time, game type) - Live play (online mode against a friend and/or a random opponent) with desired game settings - Quick game conclusion with defined move times - Less cheating with single move allowance per turn APK Check: 2019-09-25 03:44:26 Developer name: Kaşa A.Ş. PT...

App download 巴特里烘培-團購美食NO.1 APK

網路團購南部第一品牌 - 巴特里精緻烘焙,由於精心研發爆漿餐包口味極佳,「簡單加熱即可享用」造成團購風潮,以高雄最夯爆漿餐包襲捲全台,網路熱銷NO.1 ! 現在成立巴特里購物網,24小時行動購物不打烊,走到哪逛到哪,手指一個move下單!想吃美食免出門,巴特里幫您送到家! 【產品特色】 *24小時提供完整線上手機購物機制 *手機購買簡單又方便,隨時隨地都能買 *優惠商品推撥通知,最新消息隨時掌握 *不定時推出限定優惠、好康活動! *手機付款系統-使用SSL 128bits 最高安全等級加密 *用Facebook帳號或手機號碼就可輕鬆加入會員 *直覺式的介面操作,讓您輕易上手 【品牌故事】 巴特里第一間麵包烘焙門市創立於 2007 年,近年從原本餐包及麵包烘焙型態轉型現代化的經營,以穩健踏實的腳步持續於在地高雄展店,以精緻的烘焙文化與服務熱忱,並不斷創新思維、嚴選食材,堅持當日新鮮手作,走在美味與健康兼顧的食代潮流。 *Facebook粉絲專頁:巴特里精緻烘焙 *Instagram粉絲專頁:巴特里精緻烘焙 PTitle: 巴特里烘培-團購美食NO.1 2.42.11 APK Category: SHOPPING Download: 100 PPrice: Free Update Date: 2019-09-20 App ID: APK Size: 10265458

APK Game Pyramid Curse Egypt Quest for iOS

APK Size: 26746688 PTitle: Pyramid Curse Egypt Quest 1.7.1 APK Version: 1.7.1 Download: 1.000.000 Operating System: 4.0.3 pyramid curse egypt quest You will love the fun, creativity and excitement of this great casual game. Join millions of players in an adventure journey through the pyramid desert of ancient Egypt. Can you solve the puzzles and help Pharaoh with this quest of jewel treasures? Let’s go! - free match puzzel-3 gameplay - hundreds of interesting Egyptian Rune style gem Levels - mysterious egypt scene,stunning graphics with a highly polished interface. - full of fun and amazing challenges - continuous Elimination can get extra scores quickly - easy to play but a challenge to fully master,take on these challenges Switch and match diamonds complete the goal in the specified steps or times. Enjoy the full diamond adventure for free! There're tons of levels to play through and in each one, you only have so much time to clear and get the star that falls into the bottom of t...

Free Download 東方スラッシュ!! APK for Blackberry

Category: GAME_ROLE_PLAYING 東方Projectのキャラクターを集めて、強化して、強大な敵に挑みます。 キャラクターの組み合わせやスキル、装備アイテムを色々組み合わせ、自分だけのオリジナル最強メンバーを育てていきます。 \u25cf強くなったら、対戦モードで腕試し! \u25cf200種類以上あるやりこみプレイヤー向け実績! \u25cfアップデートで続々新キャラ・新ステージ登場中! \u25cf完全無料、リセマラ要素はありません! \u25c6このゲームは放置型RPGです\u25c6 戦闘は全て自動で進行されます。任意のタイミングでボスを呼び出すことができ、それまではずーっと放置が可能! 放置すればするほどに、メンバーはどんどん強くなっていきます。 \u25c6メンバーの組み合わせが勝敗の分かれ道!\u25c6 特定の条件下で、強大な能力を発揮するキャラクターが多数存在します。 例えば、特定のキャラクターが仲間にいたり、ピンチになると爆発的に能力が上昇したり。 他のゲームでは見られないような、強力でユニークなスキルがたくさんあります。 \u25c6独自の強化システム\u25c6 レベルが上がると、全てのキャラクターにそのレベルが適用されます。なので、それぞれのキャラクターを最初から育てる必要はありません! また、実績を解除すると全ての仲間の能力が永久的にアップします。やりこんだ量だけ、確実に強くなっていきます! \u25c6装備アイテムの厳選要素\u25c6 敵からたまに入手できる装備アイテムには、様々な能力がついています。レアなアイテムになるほど、その能力は強力! 同じ装備でも毎回異なる能力が付くので、最強の能力を狙って厳選する要素もあります。 \u25c6腕試しモードも充実\u25c6 育てたメンバーは、対戦モードで腕試しをすることができます。 自慢のメンバーで挑んで、ランキング上位を目指してください! \u25c6攻略Wikiも配信中\u25c6 各キャラクターの能力や、装備アイテム、ステージ情報など、ゲームのヒントをたくさん用意しております! 攻略に行き詰まったら、【東方スラッシュ wiki】で検索です! Collect and strengthen Touhou Project characters and challenge ...

Stay Focused - App Block APK Android

Version code: 218 Stay Focused - App Block is a Self Control, Productivity and App Usage tracker app which helps you focus by restricting the usage of blocked apps or overall phone based on Daily Usage Limit / Hourly Usage Limit / Limit on Number of launches / In Specified Time Intervals and Limit on Number of Phone Screen Unlocks. Spending too much of time Social Networking or Messaging Apps? Block it and it will help you reduce the usage. \u2605 Highest rated Self Control app \u2605 Best support team \u261e Stay Focused - App Block helps you focus on your work or studies \u261e Stay Focused - App Block helps you increase Study time \u261e Stay Focused - App Block helps you spend quality time with your family \u261e Stay Focused - App Block is the Best tool to increase productivity and concentration \u261e Stay Focused - App Block helps you reduce mobile phone usage and control phone addiction \u261e Stay Focused - App Block helps Block apps you spend the most time to reduce the usage...

Game Ethan Man 1.0 APK for Samsung Galaxy

APK Check: 2019-09-25 05:11:22 Version: 1.0 Developer name: Akili Reality PPrice: Free Download: 1.000 EthanMan superhero is based on a real life character of an energetic multi talented 6 years old, grade 1 Tanzanian boy whose real name is "Ethan Theodore Yona". EthanMan writes inspirational books, share motivational content and takes kids on learning games and adventures around the world while inspiring them to dream and pursue greatness! Ethan Theodore Yona the creator of #EthanMan believes that there is a superhero in every kid reflected in his tagline - There is A Superhero Inside You Too! Ethan wants to encourage kids to interact more with learning platforms that will add value in their lives. EthanMan is a real life friendly, fun and inspiring character created by a kid for kids! This App and Games are developed by Tujenge Tech and animations designed by i-learn East Africa. Operating System: 2.3

Android app 타임캐시 – 돈버는 어플

PPrice: Free 핸드폰을 사용하는 시간에 캐시가 쌓입니다. 핸드폰이 꺼진 시간에 캐시가 쌓입니다. 걷는 걸음 수에 따라 추가 보너스 혜택이 쌓입니다. \u2605\u2605 타임캐시 혜택 \u2605\u2605 하나! 간단한 ID 설정만으로 가입 완료~ 둘! 친구와 함께하면 25%까지 캐시 보너스~ 셋! 상점을 통해 기프트카드, 모든 편의점에서 사용가능한 문화상품권, 문상 등 모은 캐시로 다양한 혜택을 받으실 수 있어요~ \u2605\u2605 먼저 꼭! 읽어 주세요 \u2605\u2605 사용하시는 도중 불편하신 부분은 꼭 타임캐시 앱내 '설정'-'고객지원'을 이용해 주세요. 플레이 스토어의 리뷰를 통해서는 자세한 원인 파악이 불가능 해서 정확한 답변을 드리기 어려워요 [[주의]] 구글 플레이 리뷰에 친구 추천 ID는 절대! 절대! 적지 마세요! - Google play 댓글 게시 정책(에 위반되는 앱 리뷰에 대한 모니터링이 이루어지고 있습니다. - 추천인 ID 홍보는 Google play 앱 리뷰를 제외한 블로그, 카페, 웹사이트 등을 이용해 주세요.또한 음란, 사칭, 허위홍보, 저작권을 침해하는 콘텐츠 유포 등 반사회적인 방법을 통한 홍보활동의 경우“타임캐시”이용약관에 따라 '사용정지' 또는 '계정영구삭제' 등이 취해질 수 도 있습니다. 2019년 1월 18일 타임캐시 일동 \u2605\u2605 타임캐시 고객 센터 \u2605\u2605 \u2605 필수 접근권한 \u2605 - 전화 : 타임캐시 광고 캐시 적립을 위해 사용됩니다. - 주소록 : 타임캐시 광고 제공을 위해 사용됩니다. - 저장공간 : 타임캐시 이미지 저장을 위해 사용됩니다. Cache is accumulated at the time of using a cell phone. Cache is acc...

Game Video Compressor - Video Cutter - Video Converter APK

Video Compressor & Converter is a great, easy to use and totally free android application for compressing, converting and trimming video files. Compress video, compress mp4, cut video, trim video, mp4 cutter, video cutter, smart video compressor. video converter. Using Video Compressor & Converter, you can convert videos to mp4 and compress big videos to save a lot of space in your android device. With Fast Video Cutter you can extract favorite clips from your videos. Main Features of Video Compressor & Converter: 1- Compress Video * Compress video files of any size including 4K, 2K, Full HD videos, etc. without any limitations or fees. * Support various video size including 720p, 640p, 576p, 480p, 360p, 240p and 144p. * Compress big video files without lose quality (almost as original). * Free up a lots of space in your sdcard. * You can select the interval (start time and end time) in video which you need to compress. 2- Convert Video to mp4 * Support various video format...